We have updated our website with Exam Certificate Collection advice (MISSING FILE).

Your 2023 exam certificates are now ready for collection. Certificates can be collected on Tuesday 28th November from 3.15pm – 4pm in the dining hall.

Your certificates are important legal documents that you will need throughout the course of your career.  Employers, colleges and universities often insist on seeing original qualification certificates. Please make every effort to collect your certificates and keep them safe. We cannot keep certificates in school for extended periods of time.  Replacement certificates will cost you over £45.00 from each exam board.

If you cannot attend in person, you can ask a friend or relative to collect on your behalf.  They must bring a signed copy of the form below with them, signed by you with photo ID.  If you cannot arrange collection on this date, please email the exams office on [email protected] or alternatively you can  come to main reception, with some photographic identification Monday to Thursday, 9am – 3.30pm, and between 9am – 2.30pm on a Friday.

Exam Certificate Release Form 2023

I ____________________________________________ (full name of student)

authorise _____________________________________ (full name of relative)

to collect my examination certificate(s) on my behalf.

Signature _____________________________________________________

Date ________________________________________________________________