“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”      Ignacio Estrada

Our Curriculum Intent

We aim to support all our pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities so that they can achieve their full potential.

The SEND curriculum exists to enable learners to progress towards meeting their academic potential and gaining social skills to enable students to be a successful part of their wider community.

We aim to develop transferable skills for students with additional needs in the following areas:

  • Communication
  • Social interaction
  • Independence
  • Self-regulation of behaviour
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy

These skills will be taught through the schools wider curriculum, as well as through interventions by the SEND faculty.

Our Big Ideas

The major themes that run through our subject:

  1. Allow students with additional needs to access challenging curricula across the school.
  2. Enable students to develop their confidence and self-belief.
  3. Provide a range of opportunities for students to offer feedback and engage in their learning.
  4. Provide an alternative curriculum which will give students skills and applicable knowledge to the world outside of school.
  5. Provide students and their families with a voice around what they need to be successful.
  6. To engage with students and parents to enable them to feel safe and secure at school.

At KS3 students with additional needs can access the following interventions:

  • Literacy groups
  • Accelerated Reader
  • Nessy (dyslexia support)
  • Anxiety Project
  • ASD targeted work
  • Numeracy support
  • Wave 3 Intervention (Literacy)
  • SOCS (social and communication skills) Group work

Students are withdrawn from French and non-core subjects to receive their additional support

At KS4 students can access the following alternative provision:

  • The Princes Trust –teaches life skills to cope with managing money, work in the community and employability skills
  • Enstruct –teaches environmental and conservation skills to students with social and emotional needs

Students are given access to individual support with their specific difficulties through mentoring by a member of the SEND team.

Students can access the following interventions:

  • Anxiety – focusing on exam stress.
  • ASD targeted provision.


In school:

  • Knowledge organisers
  • Study support (as school calendar)
  • Resources provided at revision and results evenings
  • Copies of your texts

At home:

  • Class charts
  • READ anything and everything.
  • Reading with an adult

Co-curricular opportunities: 

  • For information about enrichment clubs  and revision clubs please visit our clubs page here. 
  • Targeted interventions with a member of the SEND team

Stretch and challenge opportunities:

  • All our students will have access to faculty opportunities regardless of their needs.

Subject Leader/s

Ms L. LoaizaSanchez – SENDCo.